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Briefly describe the technical characteristics of nitrogen generator
Source: Suzhou Shengyu Gas Equipment Co., Ltd Date: 2021.12.07

As we all know, nitrogen generator is a device that uses air as raw material and uses physical methods to separate oxygen and nitrogen to obtain nitrogen. According to different classification methods, nitrogen generators used in industry can be divided into three types: cryogenic air separation, molecular sieve air separation (PSA) and membrane air separation. Nitrogen generator is becoming more and more popular because of its unique technical characteristics. Let's learn about the technical characteristics of nitrogen generator.

Nitrogen generator

Technical characteristics of nitrogen generator:

1. The unique rational design of the adsorption tower and the special gas diffusion structure make the gas more uniform in the adsorption and desorption process, improve the nitrogen purity, and ensure the long-term use of carbon molecular sieve.

2. The corner valve installed in the nitrogen generator unit has the characteristics of simple structure, reliable sealing and fast closing speed, which is the guarantee of the nitrogen purity of the nitrogen generator and the reliable operation of the equipment.

3. The advanced internals design fully considers and avoids the pulverization of molecular sieve caused by the high-speed impact of gas on molecular sieve during the adsorption process, and at the same time avoids the pulverization of powder entering the pipeline and the leakage and jamming of valves introduced by valves.

4. Siemens SIEMENS programming controller is selected for the nitrogen generator to ensure the continuous and reliable operation of the nitrogen generator.

5. The adsorption material is carbon molecular sieve of BF brand. If the raw air meets the inlet air purity requirements, the service life of carbon molecular sieve can be as long as 10 years. The quality, purity and service life of nitrogen for nitrogen generator are guaranteed.

6. The complete set of nitrogen generator equipment is assembled with bottom frame. The internal pipelines, valves, pressure gauges, pressure regulating valves and filters of the nitrogen generator are all connected. Site positioning and installation are extremely convenient, and only external pipes need to be connected.

7. The complete set of nitrogen equipment of the nitrogen generator is guaranteed for one year, and long-term technical services are provided. Technical specification: nitrogen flow: 5-800 standard cubic meters per hour nitrogen purity: 95~99.995% indoor temperature: 5~45 ℃ inlet air pressure: 0.65~0.8MPa nitrogen outlet pressure: 0.6MPa inlet air purity: oil<0.01mg/m (ppm).

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